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Javascript (F)utilities

This page contains some small Javascript programs that I wrote to find out if I like the language. I don't. The language itself isn't that awful, but the flaws in the browsers make programming frustrating. One can never be sure that anything works the way it should.

Boss Puzzle or 15-game

This is a simple 15-piece puzzle, invented by some deafmute American in 1878. The idea is to slide the pieces around the board so that they end up in correct order.

Features of my version:

Game Options

Set of pieces:

Alternative Options

Your own set of pieces:
This must be a nearly full URL to the images: a running number and a file name extension will be added. For example, if the value is https://iki.fi/empii/pictures/puzzles/cica, the images cica0.jpg, cica1.jpg, ... cicaNN.jpg will be loaded from the directory https://iki.fi/empii/pictures/puzzles/. The last image number is width×height-1.

Board width: Board height: Image name extension:

Currency Converter

It won't get any simpler than this. Compare with the Java-monster at the official euro-pages. Besides, this works also when the browser does not support Javascript/Java. (As any potentially useful web-thingy should. Surprisingly, in this respect the "official" version also works correctly.)

Pick the source. See copyright. Open in new window.


All the programs on this page are under the GNU General Public Licence (GPL). That is, you can use, modify and distribute the programs, but whatever you do, the program(s) must remain under GPL. Especially, the licence must always be available together with the programs.

Read the licence to see the disclaimer and stuff.

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Mikko Pekkarinen, Page created 2000-11-22, modified 2006-11-02. URL: https://iki.fi/empii/program/js-info.html