Living Costs

(This page makes no sense. The information in the chart below is also available in plain text. Feel free to perform any statistical analyses on it. The bars are links to the diary. )

[Chart displaying my alcohol and coffee consumption in Budapest.]

(The Page Begins Here)

Living abroad is expensive, they say. They also say that Hungary is a cheap place for a foreigner. In fact, Budapest has long been Europe's cheapest (big) city for foreigners. (Not any more?)

My living costs were about the same in Budapest as normally in Finland. The money was wasted on quite different things, though. Living in Martos is practically free. Thus food constituted the largest part of the living costs. In principle food was also cheap, but we ate in a restaurant about every day. In Finland I never go to restaurants but cook myself. Summasummarum: I spent 50% more on food in Budapest than at home. The exact numbers are in the end of this page, for the curious.

Alcohol was so cheap that increased consumption cancelled the saving. The same probably applies to cigarettes and those who smoke.

Using one's phone abroad is expensive. I don't talk so it didn't bother me. I also dislike buying things I don't need. They wouldn't have been too cheap in Budapest either.

Travelling is cheap as long as one stays in Budapest or within the reach of local busses and trains. Trips abroad are costly, but they are worth it.

Some Numbers

Living Costs by Category (in forints)
Month     Rent     Food  Studies Travel   Alcohol Nonsense  Other
September  3500     35020 11212   61940 (1) 5692   14160      60736 (2)
October    6520     36180 10432   15960     2648    7880      18380
November  24520 (3) 31400     0    5400     2932    7880       3464
December   3500     37600   400   55880 (4) 7648   41760 (5) 139896 (6)
  1. Flight to Hungary, trip to Croatia
  2. Bureaucracy, clothes
  3. Accommodation for the trip to Italy
  4. Trip to Italy, flight to Finland
  5. Ski-pass
  6. Clothes, broken wrist

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