As an Exchange Student in Budapest

I spent my 1999 fall semester at Technical University of Budapest (TUB). All the exchange students from my school must write a report about their staying abroad. You are reading mine. Since I had to write this anyway, I decided to put it on the web. I also wrote a diary while in Budapest. A slightly censored version can be found below.

Some useful stuff

This part of these pages actually contains some information. It was up to date in 1999. Some of the stuff is Finland-specific. Move to Finland if it doesn't apply to you.

Some Not so Useful Stuff

Trips abroad

I had time to visit those places listed below. One should see and I should have seen also Romania, Bulgaria, Prague, Bratislava, etc. and what-not.


All the anecdotes happened to someone else. Nothing ever happens to me.

Welcome to the bananality zone

Here is my diary. Any sane human being shouldn't be interested. It's really quite boring. I don't actually expect anyone to read it through. Writing it was just some sort of therapy or something. Before reading, there're three things you should know. FOUR things you should know. FIVE things:

  1. I knew I was going to publish this almost from the very beginning. So the text is not 100% subjective. I just can't write without thinking what someone else might say about it.
  2. Some of the entries probably give the impression that Budapest sucks and I had lousy time there. It's not so. I loved it. I just was so depressed and fed up with everything and -one including myself before leaving that even Martos couldn't heal me. Had I known that year before (when I decided to leave), I wouldn't have left at all. But Hey, it's none of your business.
  3. You might also get the impression I did nothing but ate and slept. The impression is quite correct.
  4. I was too lazy to write out all the names of people all the time. Sorry.
  5. There's no sex in the story, so you may as well stop reading here :).

Week by week

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