Week 17: December 27th - January 2nd

Monday 1999-12-27

I got to bed before five a.m. At seven I went to return the car with Mikko. No problems. It's cold in Budapest. We had breakfast in Libello. I slept till nine p.m. I read.

Tuesday 1999-12-28

Apparently nothing special happened, I can't remember. (I was sober.) I visited a new internet cafe near Martos with J-P. Nothing special.

Wednesday 1999-12-29

I did laundry. There's no proper milk in our shop. J-P and Anssi are drinking for a change. We played cards. Jarkko cut my hair. In the evening we ate at Piia's place. J-P passed out and was on a bad mood later. I'm not writing my essay too efficiently.

Thursday 1999-12-30

I forgot.

Friday 1999-12-31

I played cards with J-P, Anssi and Jarkko in our regular basement restaurant. I lost six 7-of-clubs out of twelve. Won once. In the evening we went to a Nokia party. It was impossible to get a taxi. Finally we decided to go by bus, but by chance found a taxi on the way.

The party was pretty dry (except for us), but there was enough booze and food. At eleven we left for the city center. There was enough people and noise. We didn't see any fireworks because of the fog. People were banging each other with cardboard trumpets. Must be funny. We drank our champagne and walked to Martos. My toes are freezing. One Piia's friend got mad at Jarkko. I went to sleep.

Saturday 2000-01-01

Some headache. The Italians were drinking breakfast in the end of the corridor in the afternoon. I tasted something and spoke a couple of words with Dan. There's no place to get food. We had to go to The-one-whose-name-shall-not-be-mentioned. Their fishburgers suck. I wrote a page of my essay. At night we watched Specialist and Waterworld on the video. Naive movies.

Sunday 2000-01-02

There's not too much food in our shop, but they do have those good chocolate biscuits that have been missing for two months. I was surfing and pretending to write my essay most of the day. There's not too much copy-pasteable raw material to be found. Mikko & co. returned from Vienna. They'd had a good New Year. From Sopron they took a taxi to Wiener Neustadt as no train was going. We ate in Kis Rabló. Sluggish service this time. Our room is infected by millennium bugs.

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