Week 9: November 1st - 7th

Monday 1999-11-01

We were in Budapest at 20 past 9. Breakfast would have been nice. Before leaving I had left my key in Mikko's room so as not to lose it, and couldn't get in. I took a shower but didn't have any clean underclothes with me. Fortunately it was warm enough to be without. I made it to the Hungarian lecture only a bit late. I was a bit lost but not much. I met Janne and got in my room to change and unpack. I rested the afternoon and evening.

Tuesday 1999-11-02

Boring. I plugged Hungarian, played Tetris and filled crosswords. I didn't see anyone today.

Wednesday 1999-11-03

[A tram ticket] Jarkko and Sarah returned from Poland. Jarkko had got a new passport in Warsaw without problems in a couple of hours. There were no Finns on the Hungarian lecture, including me. I thought I took mushrooms in breadcrumbs in the school restaurant, but it turned out to be cauliflower. After eating I felt abnormally good. I bought the month ticket for the public transport. Jarkko cut my hair. Now I resemble distantly a human being, at least what comes to the hair cut.

Thursday 1999-11-04

I had breakfast with the other Finns in a cafe. (The name is something between Libegő and levegő, on Budafoki út.) Nice place. How in hell can anyone afford to spend 1000ft+ for breakfast? Haven't seen Janne today.

Unordinarily sucky lectures today. I should decide the topic of my essay on the culture course. [I made my mind in late December.]


The other Finns went skating to the central park. I saw Happiness. Too much losers. I should eat something.

Friday 1999-11-05

The control theory lecture was cancelled, I guess. There was no-one there but me and Abdulla from Libya. I filled a crossword. I saw the Hungarian movie Close to Love or Közel a szeretlemhéz. Better than Happiness, more positive loser as the main character.

On the way home Anssi (K) was in the same tram and we went to have one or two. In the evening all Finns were boozing in J-P's and Nakki's room. I heard Janne is in Prague, no wonder I haven't seen him. Piia brought a loud skinhead from Espoo, Antti, with her. He studies in some private business school here in Budapest. There was a party downstairs again, but I fell asleep in my room on the way there.

Saturday 1999-11-06

Hangover day. I woke up at noon and took a shower. The others are going hiking, but Icbli [1]. Anssi borrowed my sleeping bag. I went back to sleep. In the evening Antti came for a couple of hours to shout and drink beer, as he couldn't find any other Finns. I didn't want to leave for a bar or drinking though he insisted.

Sunday 1999-11-07

I read the whole day. In the evening I went jogging and later ate in a Greek restaurant (Pireus, on Fővam tér). Quite mediocre food, but expensive. At night I accidentally read till three a.m.

The others had had a nice trip in some forest. J-P had played the Strongest Bear in the World and gnawed tree trunks. In the evening he stumbled on a chain with hands in pockets. The street hit the face but didn't break any bones. Teeth punctured the lip.

[1] ^ ICBLI == I couldn't be less interested. Evvk in Finnish. ^

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